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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rice Polak Gallery presents work by Blair Bradshaw, Larry Calkins, Adam Graham, Suzanne Howes Stevens, Willie Little and Matthew Schofield rec. 7/31 7pm thru 8/19

Blair Bradshaw's paintings and constructions tend to focus on the graphic simplifications of larger, more complicated systems.

 Larry Calkins began by making his mark in outsider art circles but quickly moved into the mainstream of the art world.

Adam Graham began studying impressionist painting under the guidance of his father, painter Bob Graham who was a longtime pupil of Henry Hensche. Adam 's interest is in using the principles learned painting en plein air for the last 11 years and applying them to new and original motifs.

Suzanne Howes Stevens quite literally grounds her work in the real world via her trademark of painting over maps mounted on canvas or panel.   The geography of the underlying map relates to the subject of her painting for which it forms the support.
 Willie Little draws upon his background of growing up black in the rural South as inspiration for his art. His works range from abstract paintings to mixed media assemblages, incorporating family history and photographs to full-scale installations recreating memories from the artist's childhood. 
 Matthew Schofield's current painting series explores snapshots painted with unsentimental observation. He is interested in observing the idiosyncratic nature of the photographer and their subjects.

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