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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Hutson Gallery Highlights: Kristen Gossler, Peter Macara, Felice Newman and Michael Page 8/7-20 rec. 8/7 7-9pm

"A Bit of Venice" by Peter Macara

Peter Macara looks again to antiquities for inspiration: traditional motifs, border designs and repeating shapes that fall victim to the forces of time—cracking, breaking and eroding. “My artworks contrast predictable patterns against the seemingly random, broken shapes of crumbling material. Our minds fill in the gaps. In an effort to create memorable objects, the plywood support material is shaped to mimic slabs of terra cotta, plaster or stone. The artworks take on a presence that goes beyond pictorial, venturing into an area similar to low-relief sculpture. Nonetheless, these constructions, although irregular in shape, still provide reliably flat planes for the application of paint and collage. This interplay of substance, form, collage and traditional painting is the hallmark of my work." 

"Red Dinghy" by Felice Newman

Felice Newman delights the eyes with her pier-scapes and dinghies that glide toward you. The colors, patterns and textures create a glow that calls to mind a seductive summertime with rolling swells irrespective of whether you are on water or land. Newman was inspired to begin painting in Provincetown during her stays on Captain Jack's Wharf as she watched the horizon-sky, land and sea trading their colors back and forth in an endless conversation. "After a number of summers in Provincetown, the urge to grab a pallet knife and push color along a canvas became visceral. I discovered my fascination with mood and emotion in the movement of colors and textures across the canvas."

"idealism vs reality" by Michael Page

Michael Page's 2015 body of paintings is a conscience attempt to work outside his comfort zone by using a broader, more vibrant palette and wider range of compositional elements. With its abstracted cross, rectangles, squares and other geometric elements “idealism vs reality” brings to mind the nonobjective paintings of the Suprematists. Page’s paintings are both simple and complex in colors and composition with the added dimensions of textures.

Untitled by Kristen Gossler

Kristen Gossler uses aqueous pigment and acrylic resin to create paintings; she builds each composition “with a cacophony of marks and layers of color and texture that ultimately are resolved by my minimal aesthetic of symbolism”. She paints in a large format.

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